In the process of creating buddies for each individual it is crucial to assess and understand what stage of the eating disorder each person is currently enduring. For example: developing, active, or recovery. Eating disorders can be triggering topics, and Buddy System aims to combat those triggering conversations by including a self-identified fully-recovered person in every pair.
Buddy System is meant for individuals who feels that they would benefit by speaking to someone who has been through a similar experience as them and was able to find a path towards recovery. If, however, you do not feel that you are mentally in a place to engage in healthy, productive conversations surrounding eating disorders DO NOT APPLY. If either party in the partnership believes the discussions are not beneficial, please contact us immediately. This program is not providing any medical advice, and is simply a support group with the purpose of creating a community with the shared ultimate goal of encouraging recovery.
If you ARE someone who would benefit from speaking to someone in eating disorder recovery, or are someone in recovery who believes their insights could help benefit someone who is struggling, click on this form to apply.